Can anyone help me. I have a new installation of 14.04 and after installing my chosen applications. I found and error when using the Places menu item. One of my programs is Anjuta. When I select “Places->Home Folder” or “Places->Desktop”, instead of the file manager firing up I get Anjuta starting instead. The other menu items under Places work fine. The Anjuta menu item under Programming works fine.
I don't know the app so I don't know how well it will work with Ubuntu Mate, that said, open Control Center > Personal > Prefered Applications > System and see what settings you have there, it should look like this:
Well done Wolfman! It worked, all fixed now. I had Anjuta set in the file manager field. How that happened is beyond me!! (Anjuta is an IDE for C, C++ programming)
Another problem I’ve experienced which I don’t know if it’s a bug, is that when I click the Firefox icon on the top menu the computer locks up and the display shows a white screen, probably a driver issue??, not every time be quite often. But when I start Firefox through the other menu routes or an icon on the desktop, there is no problem.
I’m not new to ubuntu but I am to ubuntu mate. Love the layout. Maybe it’s not matured yet like other ubuntu desktops, so there is bound to be a few issues. I like the idea of changing software sources, I’ve noticed when I done this with other ubuntus, I get different updates…strange! Definitly worth a try.
Thanks again. Wolfman