I get : Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list Can you help me ?Thanks a lot !!
please post the apt update output. Would also be good to post output of apt upgrade if you can actually get to that process after apt update.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Welcome @Frederick_Planchon to the community!
for sudo apt update,
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list (Component)
E: The source list cannot be read.
for sudo apt upgrade,
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list (Component)
E: The source list cannot be read.
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list (Component)
E: The source list cannot be read.
thanks for your answer !!
and do you want results of
find /etc/apt -name '*.list' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; nl -ba "$1"' _ '{}' \;
thank you very much ! happy to try ubuntu mate !!
I believe that entry should be deleted, but not seeing the actual file but a reference to http... anyone else in the community know how to delete this entry?
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list
then sudo apt update
it should be clean.
sorry, i didn't see your message !!... I try your solution !
It didn't work, i still have the same error :
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list (Component)
E: The source list cannot be read.
thanks for your help !
can you please paste here the contents of that file?
you tried to remove a file and it did not work?
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo rm archive_uri-http_archive_cononical_com_ubuntu-kinetic.list
if you tell me this fails, there is some other issue.
Once this .list file is gone, a sudo apt update should be clean w/o errors.
(effectively you tell your pc to ignore this .list)
Could it be that you have this problematic entry in /etc/apt/sources.list? On my system, it's the only place I have "archive" entries.
sorry, i tried your solution to remove file but i can't show you what changed because i can
't paste more than 2 lines in my answer (dixit the site when i tried to answer you ??!!..)
first i had "Ign :1 Index of /morphis/anbox-support/ubuntu kinetic InRelease"
Can you do this, cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d ; ls
it should list a few files with extension .list
hello ! i had to quit for a while, sorry !!!
with your command-line, i had
perhaps, problems come from :
hello !
yes, i think you're right !
can you paste the contents of morphis-ubuntu-anbox-support-kinetic.list