Error with script on Ubuntu Mate

Hi guys,

After working fine for months on end, my raspberry pi's are now throwing up error messages when I'm trying to run a script. I have attached the following errors, or what I think to be the errors anyway.

My scrips simple opened a desired URL, and entered the username and password and clicked login.

If someone could explain what the error messages mean, or can suggest another way to do this kind of script, I would be more than grateful.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Is this error also appearing when you close chromium before starting this script?

Mickey :slight_smile:

Hi Mickey,

Nope - I only get this issue once the scripts been ran


Segfault usually means that the code is somehow bad but the compiler did not pick it up. So my guess based on that fact that you did not change anything:

Code has been changed due to (corruption/sdcard error/lost cluster) etc…

Try repairing the sdcard, see if that helps.

Segmentation fault is a memory fault. It happens for instance when you run out of your declared array in your code. :grinning:

Dunno whether this helps you.

Mickey :relaxed: