Mate 22.04, caja is all ways open. I leave it on the last open directory.
But if the last open window was on a ext. NTFS HDD, and if the ext. HDD falls asleep after a time, no further reaction of caja anymore is possible (close caja ...)
It is not possible to open a sec. caja instance to awake the ext. HDD, also it is difficult to start a system monitor to kill the process (last choice).
Only a workaround I have found : I use DLNA and I did awake the ext. HDD via TV.
Sounds like a bug. I can't really imagine why the file manager would 'hang' since any action involving the drive should wake it up again, e.g. F5 to refresh or listing the folders. Unless it is just specific to NTFS.
If you're looking for other workarounds, try:
ALT+F2 and type killall -9 caja
caja -qwould be more graceful, but may not work
ALT+F2 and type ls /media/** (path to the drive mount point)
That may trigger the wake up call.
To find the path, open the HDD and press CTRL+L.
You can also use CTRL+ALT+T for the terminal instead of ALT+F2.
If either one works, you could create a launcher onto the panel so it's just a one-click away.
Thank you, I will check it.
I would prefer ls to the respective mounting point.
But I am not sure now, whether it was possible to open a terminal.
A launcher for a respective script is a good idea.
A working result I will give.