Failed installation after restart 16.04 ASUS TP200S

Hi There,

I'm trying to install Ubuntu MATE 16.04 on a new machine and very stupidly erased windows whilst installing rather than installing alongide linux. The installation went well until I restarted, where it froze and the machine remained on. This is what comes up on the screen:

I have now tried several different distros and the same thing happens every time. When I go into BIOS, ubuntu comes up but when I try to get into it I am presented with the Perform Mok Management screen. At a loss as to what to do, please help!

Thanks in advance

Hello fiacara,

That's all relative.

All joking aside, can you possibly give us more infos as to what's your machine? Is it a laptop, is it a desktop, what's the brand?

Assuming that it's either a laptop or a HP/Dell/etc then it's theoricaly possible that there exists a windows restore partition however judging by the behavior of your machine it's most probably been wiped out during install.

However, of course, this is way too early to tell.

Awaiting more infos!


Hi DLS, thanks for getting back so quick,

It’s an ASUS TP200S transformer book laptop.


Hello fiacara,

Have you tried powering it off and then pressing F9 several times upon restarting it (Before Linux kicks in?) If that fails, there’s definitely another key you need to hit to get a restore going.

At this point however I think the easiest solution for you is to head over to and register for an account and your product and then fill in a technical request as I am positive those guys will give you a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

Hope this helps,

Nah, I tried that and it just takes me straight to MOK management again - I’ll try the second option.
Thanks again, and wish me luck!

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Can you provide the output for

inxi -F

from the live session?

Please, try to boot a live session. If you can put the output of these commands:

inxi -F


sudo parted --list

Also, check in the BIOS if it is booting in UEFI or non UEFI mode.

Hi chaps,

I managed to get it sorted after tweaking with partitions. I now have Ubuntu Mate fully functional (with the exception of a couple of small issues with the touchscreen, but that’s a quest for later…) Thanks for replying though, much appreciated!