The only thing I hate about Ubuntu’s upgrade process is it’s (lazy?) removal of any *.list/PPA entries. I know why it’s done, but I think there are middle ground options that could be offered.
Given that Boutique leverages PPAs to deliver some packages and upgrades, after a version upgrade, either a prompt or tool option to re-instate PPAs previously installed from Boutique would be useful.
If Boutique has, else would need, a record of what the user previously installed (via Boutique - no expectation of it handling non-Boutique PPAs) so would trigger a .list or PPA check against known Boutique installs.
Preferably, instead of tracking, it could check it’s internal app list against installed packages, and offer to install the relevant PPAs for any package is knows about.
The known installed packages option means as Boutique grows, it will offer more suggestions, plus if a user (or script) installed a package through apt etc, they would also gain from the process. Also means that even though I have never looked at the Office apps list, I have another chance to learn there is a LibreOffice PPA I would most probably want.