File associations problems, Caja and Firefox

My setup has gotten the file associations damaged.
In Caja, Executables is shown as “shared libraries” and I can’t double click it to execute it.
In Firefox, opening a archive from the download “quick menu” opens it in pluma.
How do I fix this?
Also for future reference, how do I reset file associations to the default?

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I have had this issue for a long time. Mostly with WAVs and PDFs. So if I set Atril as the default for pdf, all is fine until I need to open a wav. FF wants to open Atril to open a wav, so when I change the association of a wav to VLC, the the next pdf I get wants to open with VLC. And I go on back and forth as I receive each of those files. It has been going for over a year.

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Right click on the file or file type that you’re having trouble with and select Properties. A five tabbed dialog box should appear. One of the tabs is Open With and in there you should be able to add, remove or reset.

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@Mdooly how do I do that with executables?
Also, that doesn’t work with Firefox.


What do you mean by “executables”? Are you referring to Windows .exe files? If so, you can not open these in Linux. I also don’t understand what you mean by a download “quick menu”? This can be managed in Firefox. Look in FF preferences. Good luck MrSVCD.

I mean elf files, for example, if i try to open my newly compiled openscad binary, Caja dosen’t know what to do with it.

Perhaps someone else can help with this. I have no knowledge about openscad. I assume that changing properties for an elf file doesn’t work for you.

the openscad binary is detected as a shared library by caja.

Got no help for you.

Maybe you need to give execute permission to the file?

Properties → Permissions tab → Allow executing file as program checkbox
or chmod +x

Does not work. In Cahja I can associate a PDF to Atril per your instructions. Then open Firefox, download a PDF and Firefox wants to open it with VLC.

Firefox has its own preferences, different than Caja’s. Check out your FF preferences jaybo. Tools, Preferences, Applications, PDFs.

Hello. I actually came to this forum with similar problem, but I will try help if can.
@MrSVCD. Linux normally shouldn’t execute files by double clicking. With caja to allow files be executable do:
Click right button on mouse -> Properties -> Permissions-> Execute: make active “Allow executing file as program”. This is or as @elcste has wrote, type in terminal: chmod +x “you file name”.
To change file associations open second tab “Open With” and choose program, if needed was not found , “add” another program or type your bash command (as example to open pdf files with atril: in the same tab push “Add”->“Use custom command”-> type “atril -f” [-f jast optional flag to open document on firescreen].
To return to default just push “Reset” button.
You also may try manually change ~/.config/mimeapps.list (I use Mate but not Ubuntu so no guarantee it will be in the same place). I do not recommend it without backup plan.
Firefox has it own files associations Edit->Preferences

I have tried FF preferences. I see no audio files at all listed let alone a wav. My only issue has been toggling between PDFs and WAVs. For some reason FF wants to treat both the same. I have learned to live with it as I only download a few WAVs a month. I have no issues with Caja associations.

Please try it again jaybo. You said “Then open Firefox, download a PDF and Firefox wants to open it with VLC.” You have to check what you’ve specified to bring up when you open (in Firefox) a .pdf file. So far, what I get is that VLC is specified to open your PDFs. You might also check System, Preferences, Personal, Preferred Applications, Office, Document Viewer just to cover all bases.