Fix Broken Packages?

Where in the Welcome Screen is the Fix Broken Packaged option?


I believe the quickest method to reach that is launch Software Boutique and look to the extreme right for the wrench

Just found it and was going to post an update that I found it. I found it when I was looking for something else, never would have thought to look in Software because I thought that was for installing additional programs. But now the problem I had was fixed during the latest update.

I was trying to find some kind of USB image writing program that is Easy to use with GUI instead of ddrescue which is command line driven and not very easy to use for me and especially someone who is a novice computer user. Iā€™m still confused by the Unix directory structure, it 's not as easy as DOS/Windows.

Disks has a Restore Disk Image feature which is essentially a dd functionality with a GUI.

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