Fix caja foreground color in dual pane

When using new themes other than the built-in ones, I always found that when Caja is displayed in dual pane, and when I select an item in the first pane then select new item in second pane, the first selected item in the first pane has white font color.

How to fix this problem for Caja ?

Check this post:

The way I get round these kinds of problems is by installing several themes between all of which I know all of the elements I want will be included one way or another. Then, I set it up with a specific theme where I know most of the elements will be right, but where there may be one or two things that are not right. Then, I go into the "customise" tab and pick out elements of other themes to mix and match with the main theme I am using.

So, for example, the theme combination I am using right now is:

controls: numix
window border: ambient red
icons: mate-faenza-dark
pointer: DMZ-white

So, the two themes I have installed there, are Numix and Ambient Red

Numix is in the repos

I got Ambient Red from the "Mate Look" website

Didn't work for me, I installed that gtk inspector from libgtk-3-dev package but I can't launch it or use it.

I don't know why GtkInspector is not working for you. I just did that and worked for me.

I use Numix and had the same issue until I create the file gtk.css with the following content:

.caja-notebook .view:not(:focus)

and save it in ~/.config/gtk-3.0 and reboot.

This set a dark gray text color in the panel that is out of focus. Change it as you like.

Thanks really for the steps, in fact I work a lot with dual pane in Caja and your modification really helps a lot.

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