Flash plugins in Chromium/Firefox not working /loading!

Hi all,

just to report that Flash plugins in Chromium/Firefrox aren't working/loading in 16.10, I have all the necessary plugins installed so in theory, it should work and now I can't listen to the BBC while I work (sob, sob!) !.

Hi wolfman

I’m not a user of BBC, but I wonder if pepper-flash would work any better.

Hi @anon42388993,

way ahead of you on that one, I have all the flash/pepperflash plugins installed, I think it just doesn’t want to play nicely, I think I will scream and shout at my PC for a few minutes just to give it some encouragement!. :smiley:

If you will give me an install link, I’ll see if I can fire it up :slight_smile:

Hi @anon42388993,

sorry but I don't understand what you mean by "install link"?, I installed the plugins via the terminal!. :confused:

I will try Google Chrome and Opera browsers later to see if things change!. :smiley:


I installed the package "adobe-flash-properties-gtk" (it removes the package "flashplugin-installer" automatically) and this solved the problem and works for all browsers!

sudo apt-get install adobe-flash-properties-gtk

I cannot install Google Chrome as I forgot that I am using the 32 bit version in 16.10 which is no longer supported!, the 64 bit version should work?. :frowning:

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Thats a nice fix. Have to remember that.

I thought you ran Chromium

I am indeed running Chromium, I just like to have Google Chrome as well! (I’m a greedy git!). :smiley: