OK, thanks for tidying up . . . I had hoped that I could have “solved” the
problem with re-gaining access to the old home folder with the data intact,
but indeed I can now log into the user GUI . . . so it’s more a “work
around” than a “solution” IMHO. It’s just odd that doing the re-badging of
another home folder did work with several other distros, including Lu
18.04, and I could log in via TTY, but not via GUI . . . oh well.
Still, as perhaps I reported earlier in this thread there seemed to be
“issues” in the recovery process, with errors or hangs . . . in “enable
networking” for instance, and other processes that perhaps could use some
“analysis” before the final flight tests and/or releases . . . ???
Alrighty, thanks for that link to the "something else" guideline, I believe
you had posted that previously in this thread, but I read through it again,
and there was a comment about, "Don't use the same /home page if you are
moving from ubuntu to peppermint os, as the system config files may cause a
system crash . . ." . . . so possibly that was going on in going from
u-mate 16.04 to OpenSUSE LEAP and then back to u-mate 18.04?? But, in
doing essentially the "same" maneuver in another partition, going from
something "ubuntu" to something "LEAP-based" but back over to Lubuntu
18.04--all sharing the same /home folder . . . all was and remains "well."
Perhaps Lubuntu is less "finicky"??
I was thinking that the newest system installer sort of sets things up as
it prefers them . . . and so as long as one system is using the /home
folder at a time, it would be OK--and the problems would be happening when
two different systems, other than say "ubuntu-based" flavors, but if I
tried to run ubuntu & OpenSUSE thru the same user name /home folder then I
could expect "conflicts" or problems to show up, etc.
if you mix and match different OSes, there may well invariably be system files that simply aren’t compatible among the different versions of Linux which would cause problems!. Are you sorted now?.
if you mix and match different OSes, there may well invariably be system
files that simply aren't compatible among the different versions of Linux
which would cause problems!. [image: ] Are you sorted now?. [image:
Any reason why you have my profile in your reply?. [image: ]
You are a rock star buddy . . . and I just wanted everybody to know . . . .
: - ))) Not sure, thought I had clipped everything but your
quote–replying via Gmail . . . maybe Gmail thinks you are a rock star . .
. yeah that’s it . . . ???!!!
Well I do sing now and then, mostly with 10 beers inside me and I play the
guitar badly LOL!. [image: ]
The point is that you try . . . you make the effort to emote
vocally/aurally and "let it out" . . . others of us don't, even with the
assistance of ten beers. : - ))