Fscking about with ZSH, PL9K and nerd-fonts

PowerLevel9K is about as awesome as you can make it look. While I didn't go completely over 9000 with it, I've been having an alright time screwing about with it for the many hours I've been sourcing things and learning how to make it all work.

Ubuntu Mono Derivative Powerline Nerd Font from the Nerd Fonts collection at 14pt is what's seen in the screencap below, as well, Arc theme, some custom Emerald stuff (Ordinary Shiki Colors Brave modified for Arc Dark) and some gratuitous Z Shell scripting came together to make what's below;

Yes, that is both a script for root and user in the background. Is it overkill for an average user like me? Since when is any Linux user average?

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Figured I may as well say, powerline isn’t necessary to install; you need only the fonts, though I am not sure how to get awesome-patched working in PL9K else I would had written a complete and in-depth guide about it. Shell stuff is sort of outside my field, scope and pay grade. :stuck_out_tongue:

(That, and awesome-fontconfig works wonders for me. And since shell stuff is so personal, I can’t even begin to conceive of all the possible means and uses of PL9K and ZSH, especially when we get Antigen, OMZ and Prezto into the mix.)

Have another image;