Google Kinda Gives Chromium Away Because… Antitrust

For you Chromium users, changes are coming, hopefully for the better.

From where we sit, Google’s “giveaway” of its open source Chromium assets is basically a ruse to convince the feds that the company isn’t an intentional monopolist… or that if it was, it’s changed its ways.

What Google Has at Stake

This is where it starts to get convoluted and agenda ridden, because I’ll guarantee you that Google’s not kicking in some bucks — and likely giving up a considerable amount of control over a project — out of a sense of altruism.


"Giving away" Chromium is not giving away anything! That is already Open Source, and lacks all the code/advantages offered by the proprietary "Chrome", "Chrome OS" and "ChromeOS Flex" !

Now ... making source code for those two Open Source ... that would actually be giving away something tangible.

But that will never happen because that's the Monopolizer Trojan Horse!

It all depends on whether they want to maintain a strong presence in hardware, via control of Android, or dominate the web-interface via Chrome. Which one would provide them the best leverage to control future evolution (and revenue potential) is really what needs to be identified and "liberated" from their tightly-held reins.