I'm evaluating GPC MicroPC and need the ability to dual boot Windows 10 Pro (as delivered) and Ubuntu Mate 19.10 (which I understand is recommended for the machine.)
Where would I look for step-by-step instructions, or discussions, about dual-boot configuration along these lines?
For the partitions, I do not recommend having separate root and home partitions, but it is up to you (read here).
Also, for swap, it's up to you. Do some research about swap partitions vs swap files vs no swap at all (usually on ssd, swap is not recommended). On terminal type free to check memory usage (including swap).
Also, I'm not sure why the website says nothing about the boot partition. You want the EFI boot partition mounted at /boot/efi (usually, it is the first partition, fat32, around 300MiB)
So, basically, during the partition step, you press on "Something else," then create the main ext4 partition with the / mount point, and mark the EFI boot partition for the mount point /boot/efi.
Everything else should be simple.
Thanks so much for the detailed and helpful reply!
I agree a single linux home+root+boot partition suffices for my need, understand re the /boot/efi setup, understand re swap on ssd, the foss link helps, and your additional advice is appreciated.
All really helpful stuff you've provided!
Specific to the GPC Micro PC (whose web site specifically mentions Mate 19.10), is there any additional process involved with that end of the installation, or is the as-downloaded install image sufficient for the GPC Micro PC?
The "Welcome" pop-up when you first boot after installation should provide you with a guide on what you should do.
Just press on getting started, and it will guide you through installing updates, downloading the NVIDIA proprietary driver (recommended for gaming if you have NVIDIA card of course), language, customization, etc.
If you have any other problems, search the internet, then, if no luck, ask here or on Ubuntu forums (although, if it is specific to Mate they wouldn't be able to help, I guess).