Guest Account can't use chromium or firefox because of a lack of permission

I don't know if this is a standard error or a error of my config.
what i changed:
i copied everything von /snap in /programs/snap

Then i added to /etc/fstab

/programs/snap /snap   none    bind    0   0

When someone uses a guest user and try to start firefox/chromium it didn't open.
if you start them in a terminal you get this error:
2022/05/03 08:54:29.259625 tool_linux.go:82: cannot open snapd info file "/snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/info": open /snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/info: permission denied

Seems to be a bug

As a workaround you can install any other deb-packaged web-browser from Software Boutique and use it in guest session.


6 Year old Bug, really?
I am frustrated with Ubuntu.

Don't change firefox to a snap package when you have problems like this canonical -__-

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if they didnt do firefox in snap there would be no firefox on ubuntu anymore period. Mozzila said it needs to be snap or nothing.

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Do you have a source for this?
A firefox in a flatpak wouldn't make any problems in guest sessions...

i cant list a source(honestly because im just not bothered enough to look for one) right now but since the first time canonical put out they will move to snap it was known that mozilla said that canonical cant distribute firefox(since distribution agreement came to end of term. Fun fact you officialy arent allowed to distribute firefox as firefox without said distribution agreement from mozilla but you can fork it and then distribute said fork you maintain yourself) anymore and it almost went as far as them dropping firefox all together but the compromise was that they started using firefox that was distributed as a snap. which is technicly distributed by mozilla.
well firefox in flatpak would require for them to accept usage of flatpak on ubuntu desktop test that and allow non canonical repository. As one of the ubuntu rules is that on ISO there cant be any third party distribution channels so no flathub no non canonical repository. Which means either mozilla would have to OK that which isnt likely

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okay i think i will install my users the official firefox ppa...