Help integrating ElectricSheep With Mate Screensaver

I have installed the PPA-Ichhtyo-zeug/xenial, and the Electric Sheep package. I was able to do this on Manjaro and i saw that @Wimpy had done this @ some point. I am able to see electricsheep in the mate screensaver Preferences window but it wont run from there. If i type electricsheep in a terminal window it will run on its own but takes over the screen and has no controls. If @Wimpy or anyone can help i would be very happy :smiley: :ubuntu_mate:

You’ll find the screensavers are a one-click install in the Getting Started section of Ubuntu MATE Welcome now. But not Electric Sheep, yet.

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Darn, that's too BAA'd he said with a Sheepish face! :smiley:

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Thanks @Wimpy,

I was happy to see the xscreensaver-gl-extra package added to the welcome screen, as that had been part of my first goto packages, with fresh installs.

Ubuntu Mate is the best OS i have ever used, period! Electric Sheep is literally the bigest thing i miss from OSX and Windows. It probably sounds trivial and juvenile but thats how i feel. I just hope that someone, with more coding skills than i, feels similar someday.

Thanks for taking the time to respond, i cant comprehend how you find the time to do all the work you do for this distro. :+1:

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