Help with slow boot and shutdown of 16.04

This command may help identify what services are taking the longest to initialize:

systemd-analyze blame

Here's a few lines from my output:

      7.234s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
      2.541s apt-daily.service
       532ms vboxdrv.service
       373ms dev-sda2.device
       354ms ModemManager.service
       329ms networking.service
       299ms accounts-daemon.service
       264ms timidity.service
       262ms php7.0-fpm.service
       230ms snapd.socket
       228ms systemd-logind.service
       227ms NetworkManager.service
       211ms lightdm.service
       209ms ssh.service

This is on an SSD, but that NetworkManager in this case is the culprit.

There was also a discussion over here on the long shut down times: