Hi! I'm new here and just wanted to say Hello


As the title says I’m new here, have found UbuntuMATE after many years of Distro hopping and have decided to settle here, for now anyway. So I thought I’d show an interest in the community too and say hello!



Welcome @Kri5, settle in an enjoy. Happy to make your acquaintance.


Hi Kri5,

You seem to have arrived here like many of us - distro-hopping for years, without ever feeling completely satisfied. Then, one glorious day, Ubuntu MATE comes into your life and into your Downloads directory.

Oh, let’s try booting this new distro…hmm, this seems comfortably familiar, easy-to-use, no new paradigms to confuse the simplest tasks, nice and stable, light and flexible - let’s install it!

So you install it and soon fall in love!

Welcome from mickey

Thanks for the welcome guys, loving this distro so far, may be a keeper!

Welcome @Kri5! :relaxed:

Welcome @Kri5, hope you have a pleasant stay…

Welcome at Ubuntu Mate Community! :sunglasses:

Hello and welcome to the community :slight_smile: