How can I force apps to use my theme?

I'm using Ubuntu-Mate 22.04 LTS with Ambiant-Mate theme, Compiz and my preferred emerald theme. Most of my apps are nice about using the theming I've chosen but some like Lutris and Tootle are using some kind of hardcoded theming and ignoring my themes creating an inconsistent desktop for me. They completely disregard my emerald theme in favor of their own buttons. Is there a way to force these apps into compliance with my chosen looks?

It depends mostly on what's included in the theme. Also and more importantly, some apps are snap-apps. They do not always conform to themes written specifically for gtk3. You could always look for a .deb file from the Software Boutique or Gnome Software the uninstall the snap:

sudo snap remove <name of app>

Thanks for the reply but I ended up going back to Ubuntu-Mate 22.04 instead.

Those apps are still not conforming but many other things are consistent with the more stable release.