How can I get app-window placement right on dual monitors at startup?

I'm running Ubuntu-MATE 18.04. I have three main items in my startup-apps folder (among other things already in startup-apps by default): the Waterfox-classic web browser, the MATE-terminal, and the KeePass2 password-manager program.

Right now they all open on top of each other on my right monitor. (I've defined my left monitor as the primary.)

I'd like to have the browser open at startup on my right monitor and the terminal-window in my left monitor. With KeePass opening also on the left monitor.

This shouldn't be complicated to set up. I do have Compiz installed, but the tweaks I've seen advised for it haven't helped.

I don't want to have to drag windows around once I'm booted up, or hit keys to have to move them.

Does anyone know how to go about doing this kind of simple app-window placement?

To achieve this, you can use devilspie2.
It's already in the repos so you can just sudo apt install -y devilspie2 in a terminal in order to install it.
There are several tutorials like this one in order to figure out how it works.

I believe you can achieve this as well with wmctrl or xdotool.

Thank you! I found a really good tutorial for Devilspie2 here:

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Thanks to you as well.
I've been playing with it since yesterday and It's been really fun.
It sort of reduces the urge to tinker with tiling window managers only to go back to the MATE desktop environment.
There's a lot to play with whether it comes to window sizes, default location, workspaces or opacity.

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