How can I include screenshots in forum posts?


I have recently started a topic upon a sound issue that I have on Ubuntu Mate. I wanted to share screenshots of settings from my Mate by including them in my posts of the topic but this didn't work.

When editing a message, then using the upload function and trying to include an image in my post, I get an error message when hitting the final "reply" button: "An error occurred: Sorry, you can't embed media items in a post."

I then uploaded screenshots to a free image hoster (ImgBB in this case) and included links to these images in my posts. This worked fine for 1-2 times but now, when I try this, my post ist hidden automatically and I get a notification telling me " Your post was flagged as spam: the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected."

How can I share screenshots with other users when wanting to describe a problem or describe what I did and what happens on my screen?

Problem resolved. The system recognised that had included links to an external website in several posts and therefore marked it as spam. Apparently, I will be able to upload one day in the future if I "stick around a while". So I will try to be patient.


Sorry about that, the system thought you were a spammer.

You're right that uploading an image is essential for support requests, and I can imagine this is something users that just signed up would like to do. After all, it's better long-term to have them hosted here so people with the same problem years later can visually see the problem. Links rot, topics lose value when external sources and files disappear.

I've done a little tuning to the settings, so give it another try! :balance_scale:

(If anyone coming here for the topic title just wants to know how to upload images: (a) drag and drop the image where you write your reply; (b) CTRL+V to paste from your clipboard, or (c) use the upload button and pick the file)


Thanks a lot! It works now :slight_smile: