How; delete email address associated with web

UPDATE; Solved, tbird had old email account…

I clicked on a website to send them email and a window popped up with an old email address. How do I delete that and enter current email.

This is on a newly installed OS and I’ve not set up that old email on this new install. I believe it is from an old install where at one time I had it on Thunderbird is all I can assume.

Can you specify in which application you clicked on a website? Firefox? a link in Thunderbird? The email address should be coming from that application.

In Firefox, you enter the correct email address, then choose save when prompted to retain the new address. If you want to remove the old address, I think it is in Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Saved Logins.

If coming from Thunderbird, perhaps it is your address book, which are .mab files inside the profile folder.

Did you repartition the disk on the new install? If you retained your home directory, then that is where the information is coming from.

Well I opened up Tbird and I don’t know how but the obsolete email account was in there set up, so I deleted it. I don’t remember when as I just did this dual install one month ago and don’t remember setting it up but I must have! Thanks!