How do I install EOM plugins?

I am looking for the easiest way to install plug-ins for Eye of Mate (EOM). When I try to install the Ubuntu package, I find that eom-plugins does not exist. When I try to install eog-plugins, Synaptic and apt-get want to install the following list of packages:

  1. eog
  2. eog-plugins
  3. libchamplain-0.12-0
  4. libchamplain-gtk-0.12-0
  5. libgdata-common
  6. libgdata22
  7. libgoa-1.0-0b
  8. libgoa-1.0-common
  9. liboauth0

I do not want to install eog, but I do not know about the others. I am not sure if the eog-plugins package will work with eom, but maybe if I moved installed files into the correct location (/usr/lib/eog/plugins/ to /usr/lib/eom/plugins/)? I am assuming that I would still need packages 3-9 for the plugins to work.

I am currently running Ubuntu Mate 15.10 (wily).

Any suggestions?

Hi @zenga,

it may be a simple case of dependencies, if you don’t install them, the other bits won’t work?. :smiley:

I have no idea about moving files around, or as to whether or not it will have an adverse effect on your system!. :frowning: