How do i make Ubuntu MATE automatically switch between dark mode and light mode?

For example, i want Light Mode to activate at 6:00, and i want Dark Mode to activate at 22:00.

gsettings set org.mate.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita'
gsettings set org.mate.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita-dark'

Test if this sample command let's you set the mode.

If yes, you can set two cron jobs, one at 6am to issue the first and a cron job at 10pm to issue the second. I do not have 20.10 to test though

0 6 * * * gsettings set org.mate.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita'

0 22 * * * gsettings set org.mate.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita-dark'


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Are there alternatives? and also, where do i enter all those commands? in the terminal, or another program?

You might try Redshift, a color temperature auto-adjuster.


Already using it, mdooley.