How to be sure to have downloaded untampered files?

thank you very much. But I thought one cannot really trust http, regardless of the server (man-in-the-middle and such). Also, when the torrent file itself is tampered with, who knows what one is really downloading.


as long as you can see a lock symbol (green in this case) top left on the address bar, you should be safe, if in doubt, ask M.I.5, the CIA, NSA or BND!.:smiley:


Right, the server offers SSL security (which is great!). But does not (which is not so great), and the download links go there. So even if the lock symbol is there on, once you click on the download link, you’re unprotected (I’m pretty confident the secret services you mentioned would agree with me). Malware attacks via tampered linux distros aren’t unheard of (, so this isn’t just unwarranted paranoia on my part. I think I’d rather not download Ubuntu for the time being, until such time as supports https. Thanks

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The CD images on the Ubuntu servers are saved on Ubuntu’s own servers, the only way someone can tamper with a file is during the download and not on the server itself, Firefox has built-in security (afaik) so no one can tamper with the files during download!.

This is why I won’t use torrents because they can be tampered with!, I have downloaded countless images from Ubuntu’s servers over the years using https and have never had a problem!. :smiley:

I do agree with you that they could improve their security on the download site though!. :smiley:

Ok, thanks. I think I’ll try to reason with the webadmins of, then. I cannot really fathom why they still offer such sensitive downloads without any form of security. If you ask me, that’s really dangerous, this day and age.
So long!

Actually, torrents are considered safe and harder to tamper with as each piece of the download is verified as it’s downloaded. The peer-to-peer communication is how a torrent can get a clean piece if it was corrupt and the finished download can be verified using its hash.

The main difference is that it’s giving back (uploading) to other users to avoid taking (leeching) and not giving back. It’ll also save bandwidth costs for Canonical and Ubuntu MATE (if it’s the Raspberry Pi downloads or Trusty 14.04) and sometimes achieve higher download speeds too.

@nizwiz, HTTPS security isn’t strictly the solution. Checksums are common to verify the download is exactly how it was on the server (providing nobody broke into the server and changed it).

There are utilities for Windows and Mac, or if on Linux/Ubuntu, these commands:

sha256sum /path/to/file.iso
sha1sum /path/to/file.iso
md5sum /path/to/file.iso

md5sum is considered a vulnerable algorithm, I believe.

Links to the hashes can be found on the download page. Once the download completes, you perform the checksum and look at the appropriate file on the server. (e.g. SHA256SUMS / MD5SUMS)

A new download page will appear in time for 16.04, which will offer details on verifying downloads are intact.

There is another way of using GPG signatures, but I’m not sure how that works.


@lah7: The problem with the hash files is, they are served via http not https, so the hash values could be hacked along with the ISO images. And since the torrent files are also served via http not https, they could be hacked as well - so you could be downloading a completely different iso file from malicious seeders, or am I mistaken? Without using https download links, you can never be sure that you are actually downloading files from where you think you are. If you ask me, at the very least the hash files should be served via https (or the hash values embedded in, and SHA256 or better should be used for hashing.

That’s very true about HTTPS, and it’s possible that not all traffic is actually secure while in transit. CloudFlare’s “Flexible SSL” is an example of that, and gives a false sense of security on websites that use it:

  • Browser (HTTPS):lock:CloudFlare ←[unencrypted]-→ Server

But thankfully many are:

  • Browser (HTTPS):lock:CloudFlare:lock:Server
    – or –
  • Browser (HTTPS):lock:Server

You could go as far as saying you must be absolutely certain nobody broke into Canonical’s servers and replaced the files, HTTPS and hashes wouldn’t stop it either, but comparing hashes with community members via IRC or forums would indicate a problem.

The most secure way is to check a GPG signature:

A digitally signed file (like SHA256SUMS.gpg) is immediately invalidated if tampered with. This can only be signed with the private key (secret) along with a public key (which we can see).

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This is the reverse of what I said, torrents okay, main server not!. :frowning:


@lah7: Well, the danger of the servers being hacked is always there. Still, that doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t try and preclude other attack vectors. Also, I would assume man-in-the-middle attacks are easier than hacking into the Ubuntu servers (I kinda expect a company like Canonical to have some talented security pros hardening their servers and making sure there are no unprotected connections behind the scenes, should they employ something like CloudFlare). So not serving downloads via https just unnecessarily makes life easier for hackers.

GPG seems to offer the best security, cumbersome as it is. I think I shall try and go that way, having no other options. Thanks for the link to the VerifyIsoHowto. If I may, I’d suggest to include that link and links to the appropriate SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg files on

I still think the files should be served via https because - let’s face it - Ubuntu is the linux distro most entry-level linux users (such as myself) choose, many of them not being very tech-savvy, security-minded and willing to bother with verifying ISO images the right way (verifying a signature with trusted keys). They shouldn’t be left vulnerable to hackers sitting between the download servers and themselves. But I shall take that up with the guys at


Is it possible to include this information on the actual ‘Download’ page in a more simplified language so that those new to Ubuntu Mate (like me) know how to verify their downloads? Or better still to include utilities in the software boutique (if there are any?)

Are there any utilities to check and verify the MD5 and SHA-1 values of a file that could be included in the software boutique?

You mean some kind of GUI to implement the official procedure described @ ?

Yes, exactly. I am new to Linux and this procedure looks very complicated. Is there an easy way to do this through a GUI? I think on Windows there are several programs to do that. It would be great to have a suitable program included in the Software Boutique.

There’s a new help page on the recently updated Download page. See [How to verify downloads] ( under the Direct Download section. There’s also some suggested GUIs if on Windows or Mac.

I’m not aware of any GUI apps for Ubuntu, but on Ubuntu (and most Linux systems), the sha256sum command is a terminal away. Or someone could create a Caja script.

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K3b is a burning tool built for kubuntu and can auto generate md5 checksum. Maybe this would due.

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It would be great if an easy to use GUI tool to verify downloaded files is installed by default (or at least as part of the Software Boutique or a future security and privacy manager in the control center) in future Ubuntu MATE versions. The utilities mentioned so far are either not intuitive enough to use or not comprehensive enough. The new Download page is much clearer than in the past but not clear enough. I want to check the repository GPG keys but cannot find Canonical's download page. Is it possible to include a link on the UM Download page? A short description how the two verification methods differ would be beneficial as well.

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:bulb: It could be as simple as a Caja script, like this:

Thanks for pointing the missing details about the download page. I pushed out an amendment.


This looks great! How can I add this to the context menu?

Installation Guide/Assistant

I have some further suggestions for the download page. Among the many distributions, Ubuntu MATE's download page is already one of the best. But there are two distros which offer even more intuitive instructions for new users: elementary OS and Tails. Tails offers an Installation Assistant which makes it incredibly easy to get started. And elementary OS allows to select the current operating system to "view tailored installation instructions."

And in elementary OS:


I also feel that the download verification instructions should be made more visible. Currently the link How to verify downloads can almost be overlooked, especially for those who download via torrent. Even in case of a torrent download, I think it is important to perform an additional verification. Is there any way to make the verification process an important part of such a multi-step installation guide/assistant? I would definitely prefer that to the current design which seems to suggest that verification is something optional (and rather troublesome). Let's make it as easy and natural as possible!

Https and Ubuntu MATE site fingerprinting

Has someone talked to Ubuntu regarding this problem and will they change to https? Thanks for starting this thread @nizwiz. Do you have any updates?

Https alone does not guarantee that the page you are on is actually the page you intend to see. To be sure, you can check the SHA1 fingerprint in the Ubuntu MATE website certificate and compare it to a custom site fingerprint through Gibson Research Corporation's Fingerprint Service. Could the site fingerprinting be added to the download page as well?

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I personally wouldn’t want to see a “assistant” page, it just gets in the way when many users just want to acquire a download as simple as 1-2-3. There could be a “Getting Started” tailored to each operating system, and could be written as a topic here in the community (or as a new page).

As mentioned previously in this topic, torrents verify it’s integrity as it downloads… so additional verification is optional. Even if you didn’t trust the origin of the .torrent file, the magnet link is embedded into the (securely transmitted) page, so there’s two ways to be sure it’s the exact same torrent and content.

Downloading over HTTP is where verification is important. All the user needs is to securely download (and verify its signature if desired) containing the hashes so the user can check.

That goes beyond my abilites, that would be something for @Wimpy to ask Canonical to offer the downloads via HTTPS.

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