Some background information
This “TED talk” video provides some insight into what people actually choose etc. It’s very informative and quite entertaining.
LINK: https://www. talks/ lorrie_faith_cranor_what_s_wrong_with_your_pa_w0rd#t-831689
Please note I had to add some “spaces” in the url to stop it loading as a video on this page.
If you copy the url into a browser and remove the spaces you arrive at the TED website. There you can play the video and also download it.
Languages other than English when you download
When you klick the “Download” button a new window appears - it allows you to choose if you want to download the talk with/without subtitles. AND, you can choose the language for the subtitles from a number of different languages.
Play the video here:
Languages other than English
When you mouse over the bottom of the video a control panel appears. One of the controls allows you to directly select a language for subtitles which are then displayed at once.
There is a method known as “diceware”
(This was mentioned on the Arch security wiki).
This marks the end of alpinejohn’s post.
next entry here…this is intended to be a “wiki”
A command line tool - apg
There’s a command line tool called apg that you can use to drop random passwords with mnemonics.
~/Desktop$ apg
Please enter some random data (only first 16 are significant)
(eg. your old password):>
FrejdeerjEd5 (Frej-deerj-Ed-FIVE)
bonEivwikis0 (bon-Eiv-wik-is-ZERO)
ItEnt6FrajCu (It-Ent-SIX-Fraj-Cu)
De6wrieg5 (De-SIX-wrieg-FIVE)
chenImCeov2 (chen-Im-Ce-ov-TWO)
optIavvott8 (opt-Iav-vott-EIGHT)
Steve’s haystack page is interesting: