How to completely remove Celluloid and switch to Mpv Media player?

I'm trying to purge Celluloid and switch to MPV Media Player, which was available when I installed mpv package in previous Ubuntu mate versions. But now, Celluloid seems to act as a replacement for it and I want to completely get rid of it.

After I downloaded gnome-mpv package I can see "MPV Media Player" listed in "Open With" property of each file, but not in default application switcher. I can't see it as an option. Is there a way to accomplish this and remove Celluloid completely?

Screenshot at 2022-01-17 13-28-38

As I understand it, mpv Media Player is a command-line media player. GNOME mpv is a graphical front-end to mpv that has actually become Celluloid. If there are specific features you like about the old GNOME mpv, you might want to install the old package and then "hold" that version so that it doesn't automatically get updated to Celluloid.


Yeah. I have lot of configurations and shaders I use with mpv. Most of them doesn't work properly on Celluloid.

What worked for me to get 'mpv' in the default list was setting 'vlc' as default and after that:

sed -i 's/vlc.desktop/mpv.desktop/g' $HOME/.config/mimeapps.list

and reboot.