Hi Guys,
I have a Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000 similar to the pic below.
I would like to increase the numbers of lines when scrolling the wheel.
Thank you!
Please see this post on AskUbuntu. It may be what your looking for.
Thank you Ramblin
As I am using Firefox I did this
For Firefox
type about:config
mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled -> TRUE
mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.horizontal.factor -> 250
mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.vertical.factor -> 250
Is there any native solution that works for all the OS ?
Thank you!
Hi @AndreRodrigues,
there might be something for you here?:
Hi @AndreRodrigues!
Maybe you can have a look at How to change mouse scroll wheel speed using imwheel.
Install imwheel
sudo apt install imwheel
Create the hidden file from /home with the following parameters
nano .imwheelrc
copy and paste the following information. This causes the mouse scroll speed to increase in all applications.
None, Up, Button4, 3
None, Down, Button5, 3
You can change the number 3 to the number of lines you want to scroll when navigating.
Start imwheel
Terminate or kill the process whenever you like
killall imwheel
It worked for me, video link if anyone wants to watch it. The video is not of my authorship. It is in Spanish Velocidad scroll demasiado lento LINUX - YouTube
You can see these same parameters at IMWheel - ArchWiki