How to disable automatic brightness control?

I just can’t find a setting to turn this off, so I assume that some additional tweaking is necessary.

Especially when working outside, my screen dims too much, when the sun hides behind the clouds, so that I have to adjust it manually all the time.

Ubuntu GNOME seems to have such an option.

That’s interesting, because I had been wishing I had automatic brightness. It may just be that my laptop has old, unsupported hardware, however.

On Bionic at least, my usual trick to find hidden settings with gsettings didn’t show anything obvious with terms like “brightness” or “dim”, just settings for brightness dimming when idle. Maybe you have other keywords to try searching?

gsettings list-recursively | sort -u | grep SEARCH_TERM

Also, what version of Ubuntu MATE are you using?


I’m very sorry to reply so late, I simply forgot to do so.

I’m using Ubuntu Mate 17.10 and a Dell XPS 13 (9360).

I found the following option, but I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with my issue:
com.ubuntu.touch.system auto-brightness false

Try the following

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power ambient-enabled false

I’ll report back as soon as I tried it outside.