I tried different methods I found on the internet to disable IPv6 completely, but without success. It seems that the tips on the internet are no longer valid for Ubuntu MATE 16.04.
I created the file /etc/sysctl.d/60-disable-ipv6.conf
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
But when I look up e.g. the ethernet interface with sysctl, then it is still set to 0 and only “all”, “lo” and “default” are set to 1. It seems like the “all” / “default” settings are not applied to the existing interfaces. I know I could add the respective interfaces to this file too, but I am looking for a general solution that disables IPv6 completely without having to specify each interface specifically.
Thus I also created the file /etc/modprobe.d/aliases
(as it did not exist):
alias net-pf-10 off alias ipv6 off
as well as the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ipv6.conf
blacklist ipv6 install ipv6 /bin/false
But neither of them had any effect, as I can still see e.g. an inet6 address for my ethernet interface. Any ideas which is the correct way to disable IPv6 on Ubuntu MATE 16.04?