How to enable immediate shutdown

I’m running Mate in a KVM instance. When I shutdown using virt-manager, it stalls for same the 60 second confirmation that’s required when clicking on the power button. How do I disable the 60 second delay? I’ve looked around, but can’t find any good help for this on Mate. Thanks!

You can try:

init 0

That's usually quite radical.

Right. What I’d really like to do is disable the whole 60 second delay thing. Certainly there’s got to be a way to do this, but I can’t find it anywhere. Yes, I know how to shut down from the command line immediately. I’d just like to disable any graphical shutdown delay.

This is more than likely a systemd thing, - historically it’s had a few issues with pausing on a specific timeout. You can amend the timeout in systemd’s settings.

All I’m talking about is eliminating the 60 second countdown that pops up every time the the power button is hit. Is this really an issue where systemd must be tweaked?

Hi @Adam_York, I have something to try.

Try changing "Ask me" to "Shutdown". It worked in a VM when sending shutdown signal.

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Thanks. This works. It allows for immediate shutdown when requests are sent to the VM.

I also found another way to deal with this issue.

  1. Open dconf-editor

  2. Navigate to org/mate/desktop/session

  3. Adjust “logout-timeout” to something less than 60

This is useful if you’d like to have keep a short delay before logging out (say 10 seconds), but don’t want to wait the full 60 seconds.

Thanks again @Bill_MI

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