If it’s related to HUD, you can switch panel layout in MATE Tweak to one that doesn’t have the global menu or just delete the global menu applet.
You could also try remapping the alt key to another key with xkb, which you can do in the keyboard layout options. (I’m on my phone or I would give the exact title.)
I am going to test this. Which one doesn't have the HUD and which one does?
or just delete the global menu applet.
How do I do that?
You could also try remapping the alt key to another key with xkb, which you can do in the keyboard layout options. (I'm on my phone or I would give the exact title.)
I rather not want to do that. I want my Alt key the way I know it.
shouldn’t hurt to try it, but I just checked on my latest build and it doesn’t work with either Marco or Compiz… strangely, though, if I kill mate-hud and restart it, it works for Marco (but not for Compiz).
Just to check: does the HUD work for you from a clean restart?
@orschiro, if you run ps -fe | grep mate-hud, does it show mate-hud running with Redmond (or whenever Alt doesn’t work for that matter)? Have you changed any other keybinding thatuses Alt?
Ha! That is extremely helpful! OK, we need to find a way to load and unload the mate-hud consistently. I have two things to work on: un/loading it, and fixing the Alt thing. I’ll try to make some time today for this.
Tangentially, would it ever be possible to have the HUD without the global menu (even as a hidden option or something I have enable manually)? I use a single vertical panel, so I will never want the global menubar , but I love the idea of the HUD
@elcste - yes, my main computer is currently running 17.04 with mate-hud, without the global menu, using the default Ubuntu MATE panel layout (with slight mods).
It’s not a “clean” 17.04, as some of my core mate packages are compiled from source, but it shows that it’s entirely possible
I’d be interested in the details of that setup ️
The current plan is to allow the Global Menu Dbus registrar to run independently of the Global Menu applet so that the HUD can run without requiring a global menu.
@Wimpy - Doesn’t mate-hud request the menu entries from the AppMenu registrar already using the session dbus?
I can’t find the appmenu in my panel, even though I can see appmenu-qt and appmenu-indicator installed:
vkareh@lemu4:~ $ aptitude search ~imenu
i appmenu-qt - application menu for Qt
i gir1.2-dbusmenu-glib-0.4 - typelib file for libdbusmenu-glib4
i gir1.2-mate-menu - GObject introspection data for the MATE menu specifica
i indicator-appmenu - Indicator for application menus.
i libdbusmenu-glib4 - library for passing menus over DBus
i libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 - library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version
i libdbusmenu-gtk4 - library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version
i libdbusmenu-qt2 - Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
i libgnome-menu-3-0 - GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specifica
i libmate-menu-dev - implementation of the freedesktop menu specification f
i A libmate-menu2 - implementation of the freedesktop menu specification f
i libmessaging-menu0 - Messaging Menu - shared library
i libtopmenu-client-gtk2-0 - Topmenu GTK2 (shared library¸ client part)
i libtopmenu-client-gtk3-0 - Topmenu GTK3 (shared library¸ client part)
i libtopmenu-server-gtk2-0 - Topmenu GTK2 (shared library, server part)
i libtopmenu-server-gtk3-0 - Topmenu GTK3 (shared library, server part)
i A mate-applet-brisk-menu - Solus Project's Brisk Menu MATE Panel Applet
i A mate-applet-topmenu - Topmenu applet for the MATE panel
i mate-menu - Advanced MATE menu
i mate-menus - implementation of the freedesktop menu specification f
i A menu - generates programs menu for all menu-aware application
i A menu-xdg - freedesktop.org menu compliant window manager scripts
i python-mate-menu - implementation of the freedesktop menu specification f
i topmenu-gtk-common - Topmenu GTK+ (common files)
i topmenu-gtk2 - Topmenu GTK+ (GTK2 module)
i topmenu-gtk3 - Topmenu GTK+ (GTK3 module)
One thing is sure, I don’t have the global menu in my panel. Here’s my layout file, the only changes from the Ubuntu MATE default layout are using the advanced menu, the weather applet and the dock applet, all on the top panel.
if [ -n "$GTK_MODULES" ]; then
I have a script to auto-run on start that kills mate-hud and restarts it. I’m also running the latest version of mate-hud, mate-settings-daemon and marco directly from github master branch… This is all on 17.04.