How to fix strange UN (United Nations) flag / logo / emblem icon issue?

I'm on ubuntu Mate 24.04. I'm using the "Yaru-MATE-light" icon theme, with "Material-Black-Lime" controls and "Green-Submarine" window borders. In the "Indicator Applet." If I have a notification for "System Restart Required" for some reason I get a giant UN logo that takes over my whole applet:

It doesn't go away until I reboot, and I try to not reboot very often. Any thoughts how to fix this?


Hi, @surfrock66 :slight_smile:

(Usual disclaimer: please note that I'm just another Forum user here. I'm NOT a Ubuntu developer or Ubuntu MATE developer)

You wrote:

You're (at least) the second person that has reported, here in the "Ubuntu MATE Community", that strange and "funny" behavior of the UN Flag / United Nations flag or logo appearing in the panel area after a Software Update, when the computer needs to restart to finish applying the updates. The first report that I remember about that issue was about Ubuntu MATE 23.10 ("Mantic Minotaur"), in the following discussion topic started by @Sineis_Arilla (Sineis Avila), about 3 weeks ago (on 14th May 2024):

Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer for what may be happening to you, but I've noticed that you (@surfrock66) wrote the following:

"I'm on ubuntu Mate 24.04. I'm using the "Yaru-MATE-light" icon theme, with "Material-Black-Lime" controls and "Green-Submarine" window borders."

In an Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS ("Noble Numbat") VM (Virtual Machine) that I have (a fresh install), I don't have that "Material-Black-Lime" option available in the "Controls" tab of the "Customize Theme" window for the Theme "Yaru-MATE-light" (for other people reading this that may not be familiar with "Themes", they are available from the Ubuntu MATE menu -> "Preferences" -> "Appearance") . I only have "Adwaita", "Adwaita-dark", "HighContrast", "Raleigh", "Yaru" and lots of other Controls with names beginning with "Yaru-" (screenshot below). Did you add those "Material-Black-Lime" Controls in some way or did it came preinstalled?


Thanks for the reply, all the themes I have were installed from the following apt packages:

root@sr66-thelio:~# apt list | grep -e installed | grep -e theme

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

adwaita-icon-theme/noble,noble,now 46.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
gnome-accessibility-themes/noble,noble,now 3.28-2ubuntu5 all [installed,automatic]
gnome-themes-extra-data/noble,noble,now 3.28-2ubuntu5 all [installed,automatic]
gnome-themes-extra/noble,now 3.28-2ubuntu5 amd64 [installed,automatic]
hicolor-icon-theme/noble,noble,now 0.17-2 all [installed,automatic]
humanity-icon-theme/noble,noble,now 0.6.16 all [installed,automatic]
mate-icon-theme/noble,noble,now 1.26.0-1 all [installed,automatic]
mate-themes/noble,noble,now 3.22.24-1 all [installed]
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-logo/noble,noble,now 24.04.0 all [installed,automatic]
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-text/noble,noble,now 24.04.0 all [installed,automatic]
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text/noble,now 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 amd64 [installed,automatic]
qt5-gtk-platformtheme/noble,now 5.15.13+dfsg-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
qt5-gtk2-platformtheme/noble,now 5.0.0+git23.g335dbec-6build5 amd64 [installed,automatic]
qt5-xdgdesktopportal-platformtheme/noble,now 5.15.13+dfsg-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
qt6-gtk-platformtheme/noble,now 6.4.2+dfsg-21.1build5 amd64 [installed,automatic]
sound-theme-freedesktop/noble,noble,now 0.8-2ubuntu1 all [installed,automatic]
ubuntu-mate-icon-themes/noble,noble,now 24.04.0 all [installed,automatic]
ubuntu-mate-themes/noble,noble,now 24.04.0 all [installed,automatic]
yaru-theme-gtk/noble,noble,now 24.04.2-0ubuntu1 all [installed,automatic]
yaru-theme-icon/noble,noble,now 24.04.2-0ubuntu1 all [installed,automatic]
yaru-theme-sound/noble,noble,now 24.04.2-0ubuntu1 all [installed,automatic]
yaru-theme-unity/noble,noble,now 24.04.2-0ubuntu1 all [installed,automatic]

Now as to which of those the theme came from, I'm not sure. I've done some apt-file searching but don't have anything yet. I'll have to dig more.


Hi, @surfrock66, @ricmarques!

This issue is quite funny.
It looks like some icon is being displayed incorrectly instead of another.
I assumed it contains UN in its name. Quick automatic search through my icon folder has found a perfect candidate: /usr/share/icons/Yaru/scalable/status/un.svg. Note this is the .svg file, so it scales perfectly.
But what icon is the correct one? Another perfect match is /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/un-reboot.png, where UN stands for Update Notifier. So, when you have a pending update, the wrong icon is displayed, it looks for un-reboot.png, but finds un.svg and displays it.
Probably, renaming /usr/share/icons/Yaru/scalable/status/un.svg is enough to fix this.

Hope this helps.


That's gotta be it; "un" being update notifier. The image at that location is clearly the logo:

So I did the following:

mv /usr/share/icons/Yaru/scalable/status/un.svg /usr/share/icons/Yaru/scalable/status/un.unitednations.svg
ln -s /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/un-reboot.png /usr/share/icons/Yaru/scalable/status/un.svg
killall mate-panel

And we are good to go:

Thank you for your help in finding this!


Still occurs in 24.04.1 with Yaru themes.


Gee, I didn't know the UN was involved with Ubuntu. It looks like I'll be looking for another distro.

Good joke!

I thought the real reason to ditch Ubuntu is that snaps are way more nefarious than the UN.

(joking of course)


Yes, this helped! Thank you! I was going nuts!

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Hi, @Lubomir_Hambalek and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!