How to get rid of Chromium?

I installed Chromium from the Mate Software installer and having a hard time removing it from my system. I’ve tried to remove it from all sources I know... the Installers, Synaptic, and CLI.

And , of course, 2x reboot. All show it’s removed but still shows up on the “Internet” menu. And much worse, if I click on it, it still runs, this is unacceptable.

I need help with completely removing Chromium from my system, short of restoring from backup.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

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It may be a Snap package and you can go to the Boutique to see what is installed on the GUI menu and then remove it from there.

Or you can try the terminal command to remove it: sudo snap remove chromium

You might have to remove extra folders but I am not fully experienced in Snaps except a few times I have done it on the terminal with Ubuntu Mate, Manjaro GNOME, and Solus Mate. This is what I used on Ubuntu Mate from what I recall but it was a while back: sudo snap rm - r chromium

You can research it some more at the Snapcraft website: Install chromium on Linux | Snap Store

I hope this helps out.

Best regards...:+1:

Boutique, shows unistalled...BUT, sudo snap remove chromium, did work! I guess I better learn about Snap...Thank you!

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Glad it worked for you. Snaps can be tricky - they can do weird things in the background. That's why some people dislike them. I don't care too much one way or the other but have noticed they lock up sometimes and can be slow to load up. When loading things from a GUI, most of them now will tell you if you are getting a Debian application or Snap. If you want to stay with traditional applications, you may need to make sure you use something like the Synaptic package manager or learn how to get the application via the terminal using the various commands. Snaps can be OK - it just depends on your system, what you want, and how good a job the developer does in packaging the Snap. Take care and good luck.:ok_hand:

Thanks for the info...I don't remember using Snap, but I must have.

you may need to make sure you use something like the Synaptic package manager or learn how to get the application via the terminal using the various commands.

I have been using Ubuntu since 2010...I know Synaptic and terminal commands: sudo apt get, install, etc. I've also used Gdebi Package Installer. I tried to uninstall using all those ways first, before I wrote here. (results in my original message)

I don't know anything about Snap or how to use it. But, I think you're saying I don't need to know Snap? if I know Synaptic or apt ? Anything I can find in Snap I can also apt get?
That would make my life easier...don't really WANT to learn Snap if I don't have to.
Kubuntu has good software installer too, it's a lot like Synaptic.

Thanks again for the great info!

Synaptic package manager and the GDebi installer are traditional ways of installing applications via the standard repositories. So you know all that and of course using “apt” in the terminal. The drawback is while using an LTS for Debian or Ubunutu, these packages in these repositories are older or not the newest version. More on this later.

Best starting point regarding Snaps is the Snapcraft website. For Flatpaks, look up the Flathub store. Also look up AppImages.

The key positives of these pre-packaged containerized applications is that they have all their dependencies included within a somewhat contained environment and are distribution agnostic. Thus, they will work the same on Debian, Fedora, Solus, or Arch for example. Also, it addresses some of the inherent limitations of an LTS having to wait around two years for a new LibreOffice version. Since all the binaries are included, you can be on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS while using the latest LibreOffice.

The drawback to this approach is that since everything is included, there can be a lot of duplication on dependencies with Flatpaks/Snaps/AppImages. You can have 4 separate apps with only only one dependency needed for all 4 apps but they are repeated 4 times thus using up more space. Also, often they tend to load slower.

Ubuntu is going more to Snaps lately and your experience with Chromium highlights some of the quirks. Also, Snaps belong to Ubuntu and only Ubuntu. Flatpaks and AppImages are not proprietary in that sense.

Snaps and Flatpaks have the advantage if you are on a Debian or Ubuntu long term support release since it could be several years before the next LTS. This allows having the benefits of a stable operating system with the ability to install newer applications. If you are on a rolling-release like Manjaro, KaOS, or Solus, then there is no benefit except when maybe the app you need is not in the regular repository but is is available as a containerized Snap/Flatpak/AppImage.

Hope all this helps you make more effective use of Linux. Take care! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for the excellent information. You are quickly becoming a Mate Superhero! I'll spend some time learning about Snaps.

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