How to hide close window message when exit Mate-Terminal?


How to hide close window message (yes/no) when exit Mate-Terminal/close tabs?

Maybe in GConf/Dconf-setting?

It should not ask you that if you have the prompt back (no script or application running that holds the prompt) even if you have several tabs opened. Just tested my side.

Have multiple tabs open on running Mate-Terminal when I start it.

The warning message is always annoying when closing Mate-Terminal.

Do you have commands running that hold the prompt ?
(I remember your config with multi-tab startup with mate-terminal)

Running it with command:

mate-terminal --window --tab --tab --tab


Found the solution with DCONF-Editor.

Run command: dconf-editor
or install it first: sudo apt-get install dconf-editor

then searched for: confirm-window-close

SET to: false


Now the exit dialogue on multiple Mate-Terminal tabs are gone.