@wimpy can you please point me to guidance on installing ubuntu-mate onto zfs?
I am quite experienced with linux and ubuntu and have decided to forego dual-booting with windows.
I have a middle-aged sony vaio laptop with 500gb ssd and 16gb ram with nvidia graphics and core-i7 processor
I intend to install win10 into a virtualbox within this environment
Kind regards and thanks in advance
Thanks @wolfmanThis reading has helped me get started.
I started with HOWTO install Ubuntu 16.04 to a Native ZFS Root Filesystem
However, I still can’t seem to make my zfs setup available to ubiquity
Are you using MBR or GPT?:
taken from the link I posted!:
Step 2: Disk Partitioning
This tutorial intentionally recommends MBR partitioning. GPT can be used instead, but beware of UEFI firmware bugs.
I’m using MBR.
I think I have successfully followed th steps thus far
however the steps within chroot - to install/update grub are NOT working
- /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/ata-CT500BX100SSD1_1503F001CCAD-part3’.
Try this (it is for 14.04/15.04):
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@wolfman - thank you so much.
being sent from my newly-booted ubuntu-mate 16.04 with /boot on etx4 and root on zfs!!!
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Nice one!, glad you are sorted. 
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