How to reinstate BBC streams into greatlittleradioplayer

Some you may have noticed that the BBC quite suddenly last week announed it was stopping its .asx radio streaming services with immediate effect. Thus rendering many dekstop radio players such as radiotray and greatlittleradio player unable to play any of the BBC radio stations. In addition, it turns out quite a few DAB radios are now forcibly obsoleted due to this change,

Never fear; at least for desktop radio players, I have found an alternative set of BBC radio streams that work, certainly in greatlittleradioplayer.

The site you need to go to is:

Scroll down the page to the given BBC station you want. Then click on the link adjacent to it in the second column. So, for example, for BBC Radio 4, the link is “B4D”. Once on that page, click the MP3 stereo link. The main thing to remember, is to always click the MP3 link. When you do, you will be given the option of saving a .pls file. Save it to your downloads folder

Then open greatlittleradioplayer. Once opened on the system tray, rightclick the system tray icon for greatlittleradioplayer and choose “show player”. On the top left of the program that appears choose “stations/add new station”. In the subsequent dialog box, select “choose from file”. Navigate to your downloads folder and you will see the relevant .pls file. Select and it will then appear in the add new stations dialog box address field. Fill in the rest of the dialog box with relevant name, location etc, though it doesn’t technically matter what you put in these.

Close the dialog box. If you now look through the sations, you will see your new station. Make sure you have slected it to favourites. at that point, you can rightclick the radioplayer icon ibn the system tray and choose favourites and you will find your new station there. You can, of course, at this point delete your old instance of the BBC radio station you have replaced. To do that, you bring back up the player, right click the offending station and choose delete.

That’s it.

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