How to remove Home folder from Desktop?

Hi! How can I remove the Home folder from Desktop? I tried to delete it but I didn’t manage… Anyone could help me? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @peppe130,

If you open up the control center, look for Mate Tweak.

The first thing you should be is desktop settings. On the right of that window will be some check boxes with, computer, home, trash, etc…

Just uncheck Home and it should take it off your desktop.


I can’t find Mate Tweak… Maybe I have to install it?

Which version do you have installed… 14.04, 14.10, 15.04?

If control centre is open, this is where I have it.


Go to the menu. Look for Sytem/Preferences/Mate Tweak. There are three tabs. One of whoch is "Desktop". If that is not the tab already open, click on it. Instide, there are several option regarding what to show on the desktop. deselcet those you do not with to appear and select those that you do wish to appear.

It looks like this:

That's it.

On the other hand if. for some inexplicable reason, Mate-Tweak is not installed on your system, run the following command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install mate-tweak

Once, installed, follow the earlier instruction given above.

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Nothing… It doesn’t work for me… Look here Screenshot

I have 14.10 version… I can’t upload images on this forum since I’m a new user… Senseless restriction

Okay, another solution, go to Applications/System-Tools/dconf-editor. Navigate to org/mate/caja/desktop. Then select, on the right hand side, which items you wishto be visible and which not.

See below (you'll notice I only have the trash can visible):

If dconf-editor is not installed, then run the following command:

sudo apt-get install dconf-editor

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dconf-editor was already installed… Thank you very much, I solved :slight_smile: By the way, how can I install Mate Tweaks? Is there no way for me?

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It should be a farily trival matter once we can establish how you can either obtain the .deb file or, alternatively, how you can add the relevant .ppa repository. I’m sure Wimpy or someone else in the know will see this thread nad post instructions accordingly. for the moment, I do not know how to get hold of these for 14.10. but, if i find out, I will post here shortly.

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Thank you very much!! :slight_smile: Just another question… How to do screenshots on Ubuntu Mate?

Under Applications, Accessories... you should see screen shot in the menu.


Perfect :slight_smile: Thank you too!

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