I have a computer that is in a public location and guest users keep hitting the shutdown option instead of the logout option as they have been instructed.
I would like to disable or remove the shutdown menu selection from the mate-menubar. I can always shutdown from the terminal.
I have tried to find it in the dconf-editor as well as mozo, but it is inaccessible from either editor.
Maybe there is a xml file that I could edit? If so, where would I find it?
I should mention I am using UBuntu 15.1 on a Raspberry Pi 2.
right click the icon in the panel and then take the tick out of "Lock to panel", then click again and on "Remove From Panel", you can also try users and groups:
Right click, left click, makes no difference when I click on the power button icon in this menu bar, the power dialog box is executed. Nor can I find anything in users and groups.
I can remove the entire panel, but all I really want to accomplish is to get rid of the shutdown icon.
I thought I found a way around this issue. wolfman’s method works for other panel icons, just not in the mate-menubar.
I removed the Mate Menu Bar and replaced it with Mate Menu, which is not as nice, but accomplishes what I needed or so I thought. I logged out and back in as guest only to find the Menu Bar panel installed for the guest.
I think I read somewhere how to setup the guest panel by adding a new user and pointing the guest to an alias. Maybe this is what I need to do in order to solve my issue.