How to remove themes?

I tried to install OSX-Arc-Collection of themes. They didn’t properly install and I am getting these themes with a big question mark in the middle of each theme icon in the theme panel. How do I remove these partially installed themes from the system?


Can you see the theme in ‘Appearance’? (System > Preferences > Look and Feel > Appearance). Themes that you have installed appear there. There is an option to delete themes from there.

If you installed it via the package manager using apt, you could use sudo apt-get purge [name of theme/package].

Alternatively, themes are installed in the directory /usr/share/themes so if you cd into the directory, you should be able to delete them from there. You may also find them in your .themes folder in your home directory (cd ~/.themes).

Hope that helps.


Thank you! That worked!

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No problem :grinning: