How to set a microphone as default?

I am using a webcam with integrated microphone. Every time before i make a call with telegram or skype i have to set the default microphone.
How can i set the default device? Is there a way?

I am using Ubuntu MATE 16.04 and a Logitech C922 Webcam.

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You should be able to click on the radial button for whichever microphone you want to be default and then exit the app. From then on it should be the default.

Yes, @KTrad, that would be nice if it works so.
But on next start the C922 Mic isn’t marked anymore.

What is the ‘radial button’ you refer to?

There might be a more general problem with this interface. I am facing a similar issue in that it does not remember the recording volume level that I set on this screen. It just changes it. I cannot lock it.

So, maybe it just cannot remember and store the settings globally?

I think there is a bigger problem because my Webcam isn’t always detected at system start. So i have to restart. After that the webcam appears in sound settings. And when it’s not detected it cannot be choosen from system.

Why not just unplug and replug the Webcam instead of restart? USB is PnP (Plug and Play)

Next to the lists of devices each one has a circle (empty when unselected filled when selected). That is a radial button.

Yes, that’s right. But my computer isn’t next to me. His place is under the table. So i have to crawl every time under the table to plug off and plug in the usb cable.
I think it would be a nicer solution if the OS would discern the camera.