How to set keyboard layout on login screen?

I’m using a Logitech cordless keyboard (universal usb receiver). Whenever I login, lightdm is on US keyboard layout, (when it’s supposed to be on French) which can be especially annoying when typing a password. It’s a known bug for this kind of Logitech keyboards. With some distros like UBuntu Unity & Gnome the problem is fixed. Some others like Mint and OpenSuse need to add “setxkbmap fr” in a configuration file.
As for Ubuntu MATE, I tried to add “setxkbmap fr” in the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf, but no way.
Is there any other config file where Lightdm can be forced to use a particular keyboard layout?


unfortunately I do not have a real answer, but I would look to push this topic up again! I have exactly the same problem (only here the keyboard should be German) and would be very happy if a solution could be provided. Other than that, I really like Ubuntu MATE and would like to thank those who donate their time to the project.

Oh, I almost forgot, I am on the current LTS version 14.04.

I’m a new user of ubuntu mate 15.10, and I have Logitech keyboard too. Today, I had some time to digging up this issue, instead of using the unity greeter, which is a bit messy xD. I finally found a way to make it works.

I modify the /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf file that way :


greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on
display-setup-script=setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout fr

As you can see, I used the display-setup-script parameter. In the lightdm.log, we can see it trigger earlier in the launch process, before the greeter was started. And it works !
My guess is when the greeter is started, it tries to autoconfigures the keyboard, and don’t succeed and fallback to qwerty, and if you change


Thank you tabasco that worked for me too!
I only had to install numlockx first:

sudo apt-get install numlockx

otherwise you get a black screen on startup…
or just remove the line with numlockx


Hi, I added the “keyboard layout” to the panel in the LightDM GTK+ Greeter (System->Administration->LightDM GTK+ Greeter settings) and since I did this, the keyboard layout on my login magically switched to the right one (and stayed like that)

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I registered to Ubuntu MATE Community, just to say thank you.
Just to add upon your answer : if the lightdm.conf.d directory doesn’t exist, then one can “mkdir” it without any worrying and then create the 60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf inside of it.
I’m under Raspberry Pi 2, with Raspbian Jessie installed on it and it did the trick. Thanks Tabasco, you rule !