How to set up window shortcut keys (move/resize windows)

Probably a silly question, and it might be because I’ve crossgraded¹ from xubuntu to Ubuntu MATE: Where can I set up shortcut keys for functions like resizing/moving a window to take up the right half of the workspace? (If I need to do it manually; I’m not sure what commands to run. Surely there’s a list somewhere)

I’ve poked around in the settings options; and I’ve tried googling, but my google-fu sucks on this, partly because I’m still somewhat of a Linux newbie and learning different terms…

I hope this isn’t an annoying question! I don’t wanna be a n00b, just a newbie. :slight_smile:

¹ I might have made up a new word! :wink:

First install dconf-editor . Open it . Go to /org/mate/desktop/keybindings/
or /org/mate/desktop/marco .

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Awesome, thank you.

That also gave me terms that google likes better. So far, it looks like I can’t make a shortcut key to tile a window to the right (east?) half of a workspace.Source Ah, well, at least I’m closer. :slight_smile:

edit: Does this mean it’s coming-but-not-here-yet?

If you use Compiz, Ctl+Alt+(number pad buttons) are already bound to moving windows to the corners, sides and maximize/minimize. I know that doesn’t help if you’re intention is to stay on Marco, but just something to consider.

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I do not think marco has sutch features as Compiz .
You can install Compiz and it will work fast if you do not enable the effects and OpenGL renger .
As for themes you can set gtk-window-decorator theme with
dconf-editor . Just go to /org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences and set theme to your likeing . If it does not work you have to enable the gtk-window-decorator to use metacity themes . To do that see this

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I’m hesitant to install compiz after reading about it. It sounds awesome, but I’m on an old 2007 refurb box with an integrated graphics card.

if you give me more characteristics of the device i may help you out more .
So I have a Laptop with CPU Intel Dual Core 1.8 Ghz processor
2 gigs of Ram and intel based graphic card with 128 mb ram
And Compiz works fine , exept some experimental plugins like the Freely transformable windows or motion blur

Yes, it does :smiley: Will be available in MATE 1.10.

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Aaaaand now I’m using Compiz on my new (to me) laptop. :green_heart:

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Hi ieh,

look in Control Center > Other > Keyboard Shortcuts:

another option for you is to open Control Center > Hardware > Keyboard > Layouts > Options and see if there is anything that might interest you there:

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Oh, goodness. I’m sorry to have been unclear, although that’s great for anyone else reading the topic.

Running 15.04 and they’re set up by default as Wimpy mentioned earlier. :slight_smile:

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Not a problem ieh, like you said, it is for everyone’s benefit!. :smiley:

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Hows the laptop working out, btw?

That thing handles Compiz like a champ. If you want to get rid of the screen tearing in Marco due to Intel graphics (ie… slight tearing when moving windows or watching videos) I can walk you through how to do that easily, as well.

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Wimpy, I was curious about this so I loaded a Linux Mint 17.2 VM that ships with 1.10 and I didn’t see any setting for these bindings. Did this not get shipped with the initial release or is it kinda hidden away?

What key bindings are you referring too exactly?

I was asking about the keybindings for tiling windows to left and right sides of the screen. I saw that there was a commit listed for 1.10 but I can’t find anything relating to it.