How to stop the enormous 'battery discharging' popup?

  1. I’m using Ubuntu Mate on my laptop. When it switches to battery usage an enormous popup appears in the top right-hand of the screen. How do I stop this from happening? It’s annoying and unnecessary.

  2. How do I stop bluetooth from activating every time I reboot? It’s annoying having to right-click and disable it every time. Thanks.


These are very good points.

  1. It is not bothering me very much but it would be great to have an option to turn them off or at least to change their size. I checked the Popup Notification settings in the Control Center and didn’t find any option to deactivate popups.
  2. I have the same problem that the Bluetooth manager blueman-applet is always activated by default on each boot. I was actually thinking of starting a new thread on this as well.

Hi @Yes,

right click the battery icon and there should be a preferences tab, check what settings you have!. :smiley:

There is nothing in those preferences to allow me to turn off the discharge pop up notifications.

Possibly there's a setting that will help you, but it's not fine grained to the extent you desire.

From Main Menu navigate to Preferences > Look and Feel > Popup Notifications
uncheck Use Active Monitor

Before I uncheck that option can you tell me exactly what it does? Just want to know before I change anything on the system.

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It turns off large popups - nothing permanent you can simply check it again if you’re missing some other notification

  1. Open dconf-editor and go to 'org.mate.power-manager' in there find the option
    notify-discharging . Change that to false

  2. Right click blueman applet and then click on plugins . A pop up will show : click on power manager plugin . You will see something like this

    Click on preferences and untick 'auto power on' .

That should do the trick .


To disable bluetooth, go to Control Center and then Startup Applications at the bottom.
Uncheck Blueman Applet.


@Yes This option disables the auto-power on of bluetooth adapter . Its something like a software switch . It manages the power as it says in the description . Basicly when you right click the applet and choose Disable Bluetooth your cutting of the power to it . This disables the auto powering of bluetooth . (Hard to explain in english)

Although I unchecked the sounds the sounds that notifies still remained. To solve this, I unchecked an option in the same package called enable-sound.