How to use bleachbit for security, to choose which files to clean?

In earlier editions in bleachbit GUI there was an option to select Mozilla cookies for deletion. Now there isn't such an option anymore (is it that Mozilla cleans up cookies by default after closing a tab/browser?).
Every time I try to delete Mozilla cookies by hand from the terminal after closing the browser, bleachbit tells that there 0 cookies to be deleted.
So in bleachbit GUI I clean mainly Brave browser cookies, Discord if needed, System cache and temporary files, and sometimes temporary files under Deep Clean.

How do you use bleachbit to ensure security and to not break the OS?

Not answer to your question.

Here are various cookie options

In Bleachbit GUI Firefox has choice and my Thunderbird (not shown) also has a cookie choice. Both are mozilla products.
In settings Privacy & Security there is checkbox to delete cookies when Firefox is closed and in Manage Data tab gives option to remove all or individual cookies which in my usage I have a number of sites that I leave cookies to save having to log in each time. Just my preference. Remember way back had extension could click button and it would delete cookies on page.


I've been using Bleach bit for quite a few years without harming my software. I run it every time I shut down me pc both in normal and root mode. Below are 3 screen shots of my settings; your selections might vary depending on installed programs; BB1&1 are just the combined settings of running normal.
Normalstrong text

Rootstrong text


What's the point of cleaning System rotated logs and journald?

I'm running bleachbit 4.4.2 and in GUI it doesn't have a Firefox section. As i installed Brave browser, it has only Brave section to clean. I use Cookie Autodelete addon in Firefox and until now the option in Firefox Settings to delete cookies upon closing the browser wasn't selected. When I was trying to delete Firefox cookies manually with bleachbit -c firefox.cookies it told that there are no files to clean.

Quick question how is your Firefox installed. Mine is tarball (manually installed removed snapd) not a snap. If you are on 22.04 it installs snaps and not sure if Bleachbit can see it. I'm on same version of Bleachbit as you, and previous versions also had Firefox. If on snap search for issues with snap firefox. Just a thought.

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I'm using Ubuntu Mate 22.04.2 LTS.
I've got Firefox pre-installed and have been using it since (so probably snap, as currently I don't care for website loading speeds if that is what snap does).
I've checked to remove cookies after closing in Firefox Settings, I suppose this will clear cookies the same way as bleachbit does.

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