I asked AI ChatGPT what fits better Ubuntu Mate or classic Ubuntu LTS for mid-beginners

Q: What Linux Ubuntu distribution is most suitable to a mid-level beginner Linux user? Ubuntu Mate or classic Ubuntu LTS distro?
ChatGPT: Both Ubuntu MATE and classic Ubuntu LTS (Long-Term Support) are good choices for mid-level beginner Linux users. However, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on the user's personal preferences and requirements.

Ubuntu MATE is a community-driven distribution that is designed to be simple, intuitive, and lightweight. It comes with the MATE desktop environment, which is similar in look and feel to the classic GNOME 2 desktop environment. MATE is particularly well-suited for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience, with a taskbar and menus that are easy to navigate. It is also optimized for older hardware and runs well on systems with limited resources.

On the other hand, classic Ubuntu LTS is the flagship distribution of Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. It comes with the Unity desktop environment, which is more modern and streamlined than MATE. Unity is designed to be easy to use, and it includes features such as the Dash, which provides quick access to applications, files, and settings. Ubuntu LTS is known for its stability and security, and it is supported with updates and security patches for five years.

In summary, if you prefer a more traditional desktop experience and have older hardware, Ubuntu MATE might be the better choice. If you prefer a modern, streamlined desktop environment and prioritize stability and security, classic Ubuntu LTS might be the better choice.
Q: I like Ubuntu Mate because it has all applications organized into thematic sections in the main menu. And in Mate Tweak you can choose an Ubuntu Unity desktop look. Also my hardware is rather modern, it is Thinkpad E14 with AMD. Isn't Ubuntu Mate as secure as classic Ubuntu LTS version?
ChatGPT: Yes, Ubuntu MATE is a secure operating system just like classic Ubuntu LTS. Both versions of Ubuntu share the same underlying security features, including firewalls, encryption, and secure boot. Additionally, both versions receive regular security updates and patches from the Ubuntu team.

The difference between Ubuntu MATE and classic Ubuntu LTS lies mainly in the desktop environment and the user interface. Ubuntu MATE offers a more traditional desktop experience, while classic Ubuntu LTS comes with the Unity desktop environment, which has a more modern and streamlined interface.

However, as you mentioned, Ubuntu MATE offers the option to customize the desktop environment to look like Ubuntu Unity, so if you prefer that look, you can have it on Ubuntu MATE.

In summary, both Ubuntu MATE and classic Ubuntu LTS are secure operating systems. The choice between them largely depends on your personal preference for the user interface and the desktop environment.
Q: What do you mean by "streamlined interface" of classic Ubuntu LTS?
ChatGPT: By "streamlined interface" of classic Ubuntu LTS, I mean that the Unity desktop environment that comes with it is designed to be simple and easy to use. Unity has a modern and clean design with a launcher on the left side of the screen that provides quick access to frequently used applications. Additionally, the Unity interface includes the Dash, which allows users to quickly search for and launch applications, files, and settings.

The Unity interface is designed to be more visually appealing and user-friendly, making it easier for users to navigate and find what they need quickly. This streamlined interface is particularly helpful for new users who may be overwhelmed by more complex or traditional desktop environments.

However, some users may prefer a more traditional desktop environment, which is where Ubuntu MATE comes in. Ubuntu MATE provides a classic desktop experience with a taskbar and application menu that may be more familiar to users who have used other operating systems before.

In summary, the streamlined interface of classic Ubuntu LTS is designed to be simple and user-friendly, while Ubuntu MATE provides a more traditional desktop experience that some users may prefer.


Q: Do Ubuntu Mate and classic Ubuntu LTS share the same functionality in user apps, system apps, hardware management and overall desktop functionality?
ChatGPT: Yes, both Ubuntu MATE and classic Ubuntu LTS share the same functionality in terms of user apps, system apps, hardware management, and overall desktop functionality.

Both distributions are built on the same Ubuntu core, which means they share the same underlying software packages and repositories. This ensures that both distributions have access to the same set of user applications and system applications, and they both provide the same level of hardware management.

The main difference between Ubuntu MATE and classic Ubuntu LTS lies in the user interface and the desktop environment. While they share the same functionality, they present it in different ways. Ubuntu MATE provides a more traditional desktop environment, while classic Ubuntu LTS offers a more modern, streamlined interface with the Unity desktop environment.

However, both distributions provide the same functionality and can run the same software packages, so users can expect to have a similar experience regardless of which distribution they choose.
Q: Is it possible to change the display flicker rate from 50Hz to 60Hz in classic Ubuntu LTS via some nightlight app? Is the same possible in Ubuntu Mate?
ChatGPT: Yes, it is possible to change the display refresh rate from 50Hz to 60Hz in both Ubuntu MATE and classic Ubuntu LTS. This can be done through the display settings in both distributions.

In classic Ubuntu LTS, you can open the display settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen and selecting "Settings". Then, click on the "Devices" tab and select "Displays". In the display settings, you can choose the refresh rate from the available options.

In Ubuntu MATE, you can open the display settings by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting "Display Settings". Then, click on the "Advanced" button and select the desired refresh rate from the "Refresh Rate" drop-down menu.

As for nightlight apps, both distributions come with a built-in feature to adjust the color temperature of the screen to reduce eye strain during night-time use. In classic Ubuntu LTS, this feature is called "Night Light", and in Ubuntu MATE, it is called "Redshift". These features do not affect the display refresh rate, but they can help reduce eye strain and improve sleep quality.
Q: There is no such option in Ubuntu Mate 20.04. But I can go to "System Settings", "Displays" and change the refresh rate there in Ubuntu Mate. What display refresh rate is healthier for eye health - 40Hz or 60Hz?
ChatGPT: I apologize for the confusion, you are correct that in Ubuntu MATE 20.04, the display settings can be accessed through the "System Settings" menu and then "Displays".

As for the display refresh rate that is healthier for eye health, it is generally recommended to use a higher refresh rate such as 60Hz or higher. A higher refresh rate can help reduce eye strain and fatigue, especially during prolonged use of the computer.

A lower refresh rate such as 40Hz may be noticeable to some users as it can cause flickering or a choppy display, which can lead to eye strain and headaches. However, it's worth noting that the impact on eye health can vary depending on the individual and other factors such as screen brightness, distance from the screen, and the duration of computer use.

Overall, using a higher refresh rate of 60Hz or higher is generally considered to be healthier for eye health and can help reduce eye strain and fatigue during prolonged computer use.
Q: What would you recommend for me to install - Ubuntu Mate 22.04 or classic Ubuntu LTS 22.04?
ChatGPT: As a language model, I do not have personal preferences or biases, and I cannot make recommendations based on individual circumstances or preferences. Ultimately, the decision between Ubuntu MATE 22.04 and classic Ubuntu LTS 22.04 depends on your personal preferences and needs.

If you prefer a traditional desktop environment with a taskbar and application menu, Ubuntu MATE might be the better choice for you. On the other hand, if you prefer a more modern and streamlined interface with the Unity desktop environment, then classic Ubuntu LTS might be the better option.

Both distributions provide similar functionality and features, so it's important to consider which desktop environment you prefer and which one you feel most comfortable using. Additionally, consider your hardware specifications, as some desktop environments may be more resource-intensive than others, which can affect performance on older or less powerful hardware.

Ultimately, I recommend trying out both distributions and seeing which one you prefer based on your own personal experience and needs. You can download and try both distributions as live USBs or in a virtual machine before making a final decision.
Q: In classic Ubuntu LTS, if there are multiple open instances of an app, this is being represented as a green dot on this app in the task bar, so that all open instances wouldn't take much space on the task bar. And when the user clicks on an app with this green dot on the task bar, a small preview windows of all opened app instances are being displayed. Is this feature available in Ubuntu Mate 22.04?
ChatGPT: Yes, Ubuntu MATE 22.04 also supports this feature for managing multiple instances of an application on the taskbar. The green dot is used to indicate the presence of multiple instances of the same application, and clicking on the application icon in the taskbar will display a small preview window of all open instances of that application.

Additionally, Ubuntu MATE also provides the ability to group multiple applications into a single application group on the taskbar. This can help reduce clutter on the taskbar, especially if you have multiple instances of several applications open at the same time.

To group multiple applications, you can right-click on the taskbar and select "Add to Group" and then select the applications you want to group together. You can then customize the group's behavior, such as whether to show the number of open instances or to display a small preview window when the group is clicked.
Q: I didn't find the option "Add to Group" after right-clicking on the taskbar in Ubuntu Mate 22.04. Ubuntu Mate has workspaces into which different apps can be added to reduce clutter. So upon clicking on an app icon in the task bar there is "Add to workspace" option. And with the task bar in the bottom orientation there is no green dot feature for multiple instances of an open app. Is the green dot feature activated only on left/right task orientations when the task bar is full with opened apps?
ChatGPT: I apologize for the confusion, you are correct that the option to add applications to a group is not available in Ubuntu MATE 22.04 by default. The grouping feature is not available in the bottom orientation of the panel, only in the left or right orientation.

Regarding the green dot feature, it should be available regardless of the orientation of the panel. However, it's possible that the green dot may not be visible if there is enough space on the taskbar to show all open instances of an application separately. If you have several instances of an application open and the green dot is not visible, try resizing the taskbar or adjusting the icon size to see if that makes a difference.

Regarding workspaces, Ubuntu MATE provides the ability to organize applications into separate workspaces, which can help reduce clutter and improve productivity. You can switch between workspaces using the workspace switcher applet on the panel, or by using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+Arrow keys". To add an application to a workspace, you can right-click on the application icon in the taskbar and select "Move to Workspace" and then select the workspace you want to move the application to.

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Sounds like it just took the words right from the websites to me.
I can put it much simpler:
Ubuntu Mate has a very usable intuitive desktop, while Classic Ubuntu has a hard to figure out almost unusable desktop. Ubuntu Mate as a community edition also lacks some of the most intrusive and egregious features of classic Ubuntu.


Sort of it took. It's rather hard to imagine, that having been trained on a whole bulk of the internet, books and articles up to 2021, all it essentially does is just predicting the next character (without any thematic sort).
But it's nice to see how it can fix bugs in software and add new features (as, e.g. widgets to websites).

In my current Ubuntu Mate 20.04 I have spotted these bugs so far:

  1. filenames containing !&:%$ and somewhat similar characters can't be copied to an external storage SSD disk, I need to remove these characters for copying.
  2. while viewing files in home sub-directories in "List" mode and having created an untitled folder in it, the OS doesn't allow to rename this folder. I need to change to "Compact" view mode to rename an untitled folder.
  3. having created a folder with several subfolders and populating the subfolders with files, while viewing the parent folder in the detailed "List" mode the number of files in subfolders is not updated until I open the subfolder.
  4. the "Repeat" button in the Audacious app is not working, it is shown as being selected, but does not repeat.

Any ideas on which source files should I feed to ChatGPT to fix these bugs?

As I will install Ubuntu Mate 22.04.2 LTS on another new laptop, so I suppose something regarding these bugs may be different.

Right to the point jymm! Congratulations!

ChatGPT is blithering, gabby, garrulous, gossipy, loquacious,
loquaciously, talkative :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :grinning:


Thank you, smith75. One of the most interesting posts recently seen, probably because it was my first close encounter with ChatGPT.
Very Jurassic of me, I must admit

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AI doesn't actually exist beyond being the latest marketing buzzword.


Why so serious? It can write a linux kernel module [1]. And there are several cases of
integration of ChatGPT into VM and as a Linux terminal assistant.
It wrote and explained for me a descent Python code for a multiparameter regression to estimate the impact of several experimental environment variables on a parameter of interest,
so I'd need only to collect and plug in the data.
There's GPT-4 release [2].
You can try it at chat.openai.com

[1] Downtown Doug Brown » Getting ChatGPT to write a Linux kernel module for me
[2] GPT-4

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The darned program isn't even accurate. It keeps talking about how Ubuntu has the Unity desktop, and yet Unity hasn't been the desktop of Ubuntu since at least version 17.10 (maybe 17.04)!

Sure, it's impressive how well it can rip off Web pages and make coherent sentences. But it doesn't take AI to give misleading information; I've seen plenty of humans say stuff authoritatively when they don't really know everything about what they are talking about.

And I hope its use doesn't extend into programming circles; I hope this is just a fad. If a rip-off program like this starts writing code for things, it's going to incorporate bugs almost as often as a human programmer does. And then it'll have to release the same annoying patches to the bugs that we deal with in this day and age. I know it has the potential to get better, but then where will we programmers be? Think carefully about the answer to that. You and I will be out of jobs if this thing works and can learn. And if it doesn't work well enough, then it's impractical for use and no good to us.

I vote to keep the genie in the bottle, so to speak, and to stop spreading the technology to every corner of our lives. It's getting really obnoxious and is going to become a real detriment if we let short-sighted, quixotic, academic geeks force this AI on us.


ChatGPT ? Extremely "hyped". Results = well... depends on who you ask / talk about... from useful to total disaster.

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AMEN. AI is a marketing buzzword. God help us if it
"learns" from YouTube comments. If I wanted to crash my car I'd buy a Tesla.

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It is user's choice to interpret and use AI for their purposes, not obligation.
I thought GPTs (in general) may be a good aid for open source or may not, based on
empirical data [1], rather than opinions of type "Blue is my favorite colour".

My example above isn't the optimal usage case, I didn't optimize prompt
formulation etc, and didn't tweaked it further.
You can train your own GPT on whatever code and documentation and use it for yourself.

[1] [2304.01852] Summary of ChatGPT/GPT-4 Research and Perspective Towards the Future of Large Language Models

both Ubuntu Mate and Classic Ubuntu LTS are suitable for mid-beginners. However, the choice between the two depends on the user's preference and requirements.

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Please don't ask random AI bots for information that can easily be answered by a member of the community.

Ubuntu uses gnome, but there is a unity flavor avaliable.

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Welcome @Carmella to the community!

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thank you so much for your warm welcome @Bombilla

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