I can't see the upper main menu

My setup is:
Siemens Esprimo q5030 E
Mobile Intel GMA4500M HD

When I install first time everythinks works allright.
Next time I start up the PC I could not manage because the main menu was hidden.

When I take a screen print I can see two screens, where the right one (the one I cant’t manage and see) is ok with main menu and so on…

Here my screen print:
Hmmm… sorry, I cant’t opload the screen picture:(

So therefore maybe noboddy understand the problem…

Any help?

Maybe first try running some maintenance commands.

It sounds like you can still use the terminal. Press:

Ctrl + Alt + t

Then enter the following command.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


when you first started; did you right click the panel > Properties > and select "Autohide"?:

Open a terminal with Ctrl + Alt + t and type the following command and it should reset your panel!:

mate-panel --reset

If the above command doesn't work, try:

sudo mate-panel --reset

Thanks for answer.
I have tryed both of yours advises, I have reinstalled Ubuntu Mate, but all stay the same.
Only when I set the screen resolution very low it works, but then I have a bad screen.
The following link show how the “print screen” file looks:


On the screen I only can see the right part of the picture, and when I move the curser to the left it disappear and I cant see what happens when I operate the mouse fx with a “return”

Strange… or?


look for the reset function on your monitor and reset it, that should fix the problem?. :smiley:

Here is an example:


Thanks for your answer…
But it did not work :frowning:

After time I found the solution :slightly_smiling:

I will try to explain how:
When I open “Monitors” in control centre it show that I have two monitors connected (I only have one).
They are named “Laptop” and “Fijitsu 22”, the last one is the one I have connected.
And I cant operate as told earlier.
If I then those “Same image on all monitors” it gets OK, but the solution is very bad!
What I did:
Instead off “Same image on all monitors” I set the “laptop monitor” to “Off” and select the “Fijitsu 22”, and every things works !
I just wonder why it shows that I have two monitors connected When I only have one.

Any way…
Many thanks and thanks for a very strong forum here…

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