I love the OS! You need to update the donation page with a bitcoin QR and lightning QR


I love the OS!

I want you to update the donation page. Right now it says to scan the bitcoin QR code but one doesnt appear. Also the bitcoin address that's shown doesn't start with bc1 which may be correct but I don't want to send it to the wrong place.

TL;DR: Please add a bitcoin QR code and a lightning (without a specified amount) QR on the donation page. Consider adding one to some about area or notification tray to display these QR's.

Also please make a nostr account and set up a wallet so people can send bitcoin easily. It might help to join the conversation on nostr around ubuntu mate anyway. Its a great distro and very much in line with bitcoin and nostr. Get active and get zapped!


Hi, @cryptic-node and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!

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Hello, thanks for raising this! I've created an issue on the website's repository so our project leader, @Wimpy (in charge of the Bitcoin address) can check it out:


Hi @Bombilla and @lah7 ,

Thanks for responding. Also your current requested donation amount is 500,000 sats which is $500ish here. Kind of a big ask for general donations. I think it might be better to just leave no specified amounts.

Thanks for listening! Don't miss nostr! Developers are getting zapped bitcoin directly for their contributions and collaborations. Good for the project to have an account too for easy zap donations.

Thanks guys!



Just a reminder! You guys may want to update the bitcoin donation info before we go to the moon. The sats you get donated today will be worth way more by the end of the year. Can't wait to start donating more regularly once this gets updated!

Good luck!

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