In terminal I keep getting asked for a password. What is my password

In terminal I keep getting asked for a password. What is my password?

Need further information on when it is asking for password. When you Ctrl-Alt-t to launch terminal do you get as shown in A below or in B below after entering a sudo command (shown is example command). If B it is asking for your login password to execute the sudo command. Note: In B when entering password your keypress's will not show on screen. Also cd command just changes to location of 1.mp4 file.
Edit: lots of commands do not need the sudo command to execute

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If you don't know your password reset it. The easiest way is to boot into recovery mode, drop to the terminal and reset the password : 'passwd username' or 'passwd root'.

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Thanks for your help. I get A when on Terminal.


A? What does that mean?

A refers to mendy's reply asking which of the two screen shots I get when opening terminal.

I missed that. Thanks!