Hi, in Mate control center please include also QT 5 config app to be able to set visuals and fonts for QT 5 applications. Without it font rendering looks horrible in QT 5 apps.
Repository and config is here:
Last time I looked, it was not in the official Ubuntu archive.
Thats possible, but something should be done, becuase otherwise fonts in for example VLC look horrible out of the box in Ubuntu Mate.
Ubuntu MATE already exports the appropriate environment variables for Qt4 and Qt5 applications to do “the right thing” when running in a GTK desktop.
But it didn work for me in QT 5 apps - for example VLC, where fonts were rendered withou hinting and subpixel aliasing, until I change the settings via “qt5ct” program. Looks like bug then.
It doesn’t appear to work correctly with Kdenlive though, as has been reported here: Kdenlive - qt5.5.1 integration